Thursday 18 February 2010


You always see and read about jackpots going off and changing someone's life. The thing is that it is always someone else who wins them. There are people whose numbers come up and they think it will change their life, for others, perhaps the real life "Hurley's", all they want is to return to the pre-money lifestyle.

Winning the jackpot, be it from the lotto or a bingo game is a great return on investment, but there is a price to pay to enter. For some games there may be a $100 buy in, for others it might be a $1.50 ticket.

If you hit the jackpot, spend wisely, perhaps there is a charity that you would like to donate to, or perhaps start a college fund for a child. If you have debt, clear it right now, there's no reason to hang on to bills when you have the funds to be back in the black.

If your win is high profile, you might find old high school buddies crawling out of the woodwork looking to be best friends again. Some of these may really be legitimate, but be cautious of the ones that are hoping that your big win will change their lives too.

Some people have the instinctive reaction to quit working and live their dream with the winnings, but let's be realistic for a second. For so many people a job is more than a paycheck, it's offers structure, or a social life. Don't let the jackpot take your structure away from you.

The key thing to remember is that you might feel wealthy now, but if you're not smart with your spending, you could end up in debt or worse off than before. Enjoy the new life, but don't alienate friends or family - they will be the people to stand by you if the money runs out.
Author Resource:- Stuart Grayson is a freelance writer who covers news and events in the bingo community. He is well known for his articles on how best to score bingo jackpots online.
Article From Ezine-Articles

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